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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 03/04/2022 dans toutes les zones

  1. Comme dans Chromium, il est possible d'afficher la liste des commandes avancées en tapant dans la barre d'adresse l'URL suivante : mx://about. Pour avoir plus d'informations sur ces commandes avancées, consultez ce site : On obtient la liste suivante : List of Chrome URLs mx://about mx://accessibility mx://app-service-internals mx://appcache-internals mx://apps mx://autofill-internals mx://blob-internals mx://bluetooth-internals mx://bookmarks mx://chrome-urls mx://components mx://conflicts mx://connectors-internals mx://conversion-internals mx://crashes mx://credits mx://device-log mx://devices mx://dino mx://discards mx://download-internals mx://downloads mx://extensions mx://flags mx://floc-internals mx://gcm-internals mx://gpu mx://help mx://histograms mx://history mx://indexeddb-internals mx://inspect mx://interstitials mx://invalidations mx://local-state mx://management mx://media-engagement mx://media-internals mx://net-export mx://net-internals mx://network-error mx://network-errors mx://new-tab-page mx://new-tab-page-third-party mx://newtab mx://ntp-tiles-internals mx://omnibox mx://password-manager-internals mx://policy mx://predictors mx://prefs-internals mx://print mx://process-internals mx://quota-internals mx://safe-browsing mx://sandbox mx://serviceworker-internals mx://settings mx://signin-internals mx://site-engagement mx://sync-internals mx://system mx://terms mx://tracing mx://translate-internals mx://ukm mx://usb-internals mx://user-actions mx://version mx://web-app-internals mx://webrtc-internals mx://webrtc-logs mx://whats-new List of chrome://internals pages mx://internals/session-service For Debug The following pages are for debugging purposes only. Because they crash or hang the renderer, they're not linked directly; you can type them into the address bar if you need them. mx://badcastcrash mx://inducebrowsercrashforrealz mx://crash mx://crashdump mx://kill mx://hang mx://shorthang mx://gpuclean mx://gpucrash mx://gpuhang mx://memory-exhaust mx://memory-pressure-critical mx://memory-pressure-moderate mx://ppapiflashcrash mx://ppapiflashhang mx://inducebrowserheapcorruption mx://heapcorruptioncrash mx://quit mx://restart
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